Journeying into Words: From Novice to Author, Embracing the Unplanned
Background to writing: -
My family have lived in the East End of London for over 400 years and have always been public spirited. It was this background which led me to work in both the Private Sector and the Public Sector and under the “umbrella” of Legal work, Social Work, Education and Employment. It has always been important for me to help and support others in my community, especially those without a voice. I have always had a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong and I have tried to be keen to point out whether changes need to be brought about. With so many people telling me their stories and heart aches I felt compelled to write a story which showed strong moral issues and, where I could, show ways in which people could protect themselves and others in their family and society. I hope that my book helps as many people as possible to identify what extra precautions they need to put in place whether it be Governmental offices and officials, Banks and Financial Services, Health Services in the Community, HMRC, and friends and neighbours.
During my educational studies I had to write a Dissertation and was allowed to write on any topic that I felt strongly about: my Dissertation was titled “Is Sexual Harassment Still Prevalent in the Workplace”. At the time of my Dissertation there was a rise in sexual harassment complaints to the Police, Union Representatives and the Press. A TV programme was inviting people to be in the audience and I went along. During a coffee break I was approached by a Union Representative who had noticed me taking notes during the show. Following our chat, the Union Representative contacted me and asked me to share my findings with him to help him with a few Tribunal cases. I am pleased to say that he was later to tell me that my help had assisted him to get justice for his workers.
Please feel free to take what you feel appropriate from any of my descriptive material about my work, thoughts and aspirations as you see fit. Please let me know if there is anything else you would like me to divulge without contravening Data Protection or Confidentiality of any of my professional work
As a new author I have been asked to write a Blog about myself and m book. This is all a new experience for me as I have never written a book before and am certainly not used to writing a Blog. In fact, I don’t even shop online! I used to work in a face-to-face environment and had others working in the background doing all the computing and this has meant that I am not up to speed with all the new technology so here goes! I suppose I should start by saying that the book I have written wasn’t the book that I had intended to write but circumstances made it important for me to write this book first. The book I intended to write was about my ancestors because some of them are quite an interesting bunch, particularly the women who have been strong through adversity. Perhaps, if people enjoy my first endeavours, I can feel confident enough to write a lot more. Someone recently asked me what type of books do I like to read. I was introduced to Georgette Heyer by one of my teachers when I was in the 5th form and really enjoyed, and still do enjoy, historical romances. In my late teens and early twenties, I became hooked on Agatha Christie and Ruth Rendell so “Who dunnits” are a definite pleasure for me. I would have loved to have been able to see them when they were alive and asked them what prompted them to write; the pleasure of writing or the need to investigate and analyse? I am a keen gardener and like gardening books with “old fashioned” plants that I try to incorporate into my medium sized garden as I like lots of colour!
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